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概要:Welcome to Dispensed, Business Insider's weekly newsletter giving you a dose of pharma, biotech, and healthcare news.
Hello, Welcome to another edition of Dispensed, our newsletter recapping the stories that preoccupied Business Insider's healthcare team this week. I'm told by a reader that our banner is a great reminder to take vitamins, which is about as good as any to take a minute to get caught up on the world of healthcare. New to the newsletter? You can sign up here. I spent some time this week thinking about the Trump administrations' primary care initiative, in which a percentage of Medicare recipients would get their primary care paid for on a per member per month basis.If that sounds familiar, it's because it's similar to the work companies like Iora Health are doing, largely through deals with private insurers in Medicare Advantage. I caught up with Iora's CEO Rushika Fernandopulle to get a sense of the impact the program might have. Erin Brodwin had the scoop on a psychedelic research facility opening up in London with the help of entrepreneur Tim Ferriss. Tim Ferriss just helped launch the world's first research center dedicated to turning psychedelics into medicinesThe world's first research hub dedicated exclusively to psychedelics opens on Friday with backing from author and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss.Located in London, the new center will be ground zero for studying the potential of turning drugs like ecstasy and magic mushrooms into medical treatments.It's called the Imperial Center for Psychedelic Research, and it was funded with nearly $4 million from donors.Scientists at the center will focus on using psychedelics to treat thorny brain diseases like depression, anxiety, and anorexia.She and Emma Court had some great dispatches this week from the world of startups. For one, there's a growing interest in companies tackling mental health. A Silicon Valley VC in the hottest area of healthcare explains what's driving a surge in interest for mental-health startupsResearchers at Rock Health, a Silicon Valley-based venture-capital firm dedicated to the hottest area of healthcare — digital health — say interest in mental-health startups is starting to pick up.The VC fund has backed dozens of digital health startups including Omada, which helps people manage heart disease and diabetes using virtual coaching, and Marigold, a platform that links people with addiction to text-based peer support.In a new report, the firm's researchers explore how and why these startups are attracting the attention of other, more established companies seeking to acquire them.Emma meanwhile took a look at the pitch decks the startup HealthJoy used before and after its changed its business model. We got a look at the pitch decks that buzzy $40 million startup HealthJoy used to snag early investors and then execute a huge strategic shiftHealthJoy, a health-tech startup, started off selling its product to people who were newly insured through the Affordable Care Act's marketplaces.But when that market started to sour, cofounders Doug Morse-Schindler and Justin Holland realized they needed to pivot.HealthJoy's story, as told through two early pitch decks shared with Business Insider, speaks to the demand for technology that can help people navigate an ever-shifting healthcare market.Emma also spoke to Ethan Perlstein about the beginnings and sudden end to the biotech Perlara, and what he learned along the way. The buzzy biotech Perlara got into Y Combinator and raised $10 million from investors like Mark Cuban before things went south. Its founder shares the key lesson he learned from the failure.Ethan Perlstein started the biotech Perlara to focus on developing treatments for patients with devastating rare diseases who don't currently have options.In five years, Perlara quickly vaulted to success, from a slot in Y Combinator to investments from drug giant Novartis and the billionaire Mark Cuban.But when things went south, Perlstein was forced to wind down the business.He told Business Insider about how he built a biotech from scratch as a first-time entrepreneur, and what went wrong.Emma and I spent some time digging through regulatory filings to round up how much money pharma and healthcare CEOs made in 2018. The pay packages range from single-digit millions to north of $26 million. Healthcare CEOs make millions every year. Here's what the industry's top executives earned in 2018.Some noteworthy pay packages: GlaxoSmithKline CEO Emma Walmsley: $7,662,210Merck CEO Ken Frazier: $17,643,087Abbott Laboratories CEO Miles White: $24,254,238Centene CEO Michael Neidorff: $26,122,414Read on to find out more. And the fun of our 10 people transforming business isn't done yet! Here's some more coverage based on our conversations with the nominees. We'll be eating the first Crispr'd foods within 5 years, according to a geneticist who helped invent the blockbuster gene-editing toolWe asked 10 healthcare leaders to pinpoint the biggest transformation in their industry that's been taken for granted. Here's what they said.10 leaders transforming healthcare shared the biggest misconceptions about their industry, from drug prices to psychedelicsThat's all for this week — stay tuned next week for a big project the healthcare team's been working on for a while now, I hope you'll like it!
您好,欢迎阅读另一版Dispensed,我们的新闻简报重述了本周内商业内幕医疗团队关注的故事。一位读者告诉我,我们的旗帜是一个很好的提醒,可以服用维生素,这与任何需要一分钟才能融入医疗保健世界的人一样好。新闻通讯的新内容?您可以在这里注册。本周我花了一些时间考虑特朗普政府的初级保健计划,其中一部分医疗保险受助人将按每个成员每月支付他们的初级保健费。如果这听起来很熟悉,那是因为它与工作类似像Iora Health这样的公司正在做,主要是通过与Medicare Advantage的私营保险公司达成交易。我采访了Iora的首席执行官Rushika Fernandopulle,以了解该计划可能产生的影响。艾琳·布罗德文(Erin Brodwin)在企业家蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)的帮助下,在伦敦开设了迷幻研究设施。蒂姆·费里斯刚刚帮助推出了世界上第一个致力于将迷幻药转化为药物的研究中心世界上第一个专门针对迷幻药的研究中心于周五开幕,作者和企业家蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)的支持。位于伦敦的新中心将成为研究将迷魂药和神奇蘑菇等药物转化为药物疗法的潜力。它被称为帝国迷幻研究中心,它的资金来自捐赠者近400万美元。该中心的科学家将专注于使用迷幻药来治疗抑郁等棘手的脑部疾病,焦虑和厌食症。她和Emma Court本周从初创公司的世界发了一些很棒的报道。首先,对处理心理健康的公司越来越感兴趣。最热门的医疗保健领域的硅谷风险投资公司解释了什么正在推动人们对心理健康创业公司的兴趣激增Rock Health公司的研究人员,这家位于硅谷的风险投资公司致力于最热门的医疗保健领域 - 数字健康 - 表示兴趣我心理健康创业公司开始复苏。风险投资基金已经支持了数十家数字健康创业公司,其中包括帮助人们使用虚拟教练管理心脏病和糖尿病的Omada,以及将人们成瘾与基于文本的同伴联系起来的Marigold平台在一份新的报告中,该公司的研究人员探索了这些初创公司如何以及为何吸引了其他更成熟的公司寻求获得它们的注意力.Emma同时看了一眼创业公司HealthJoy在改变之前和之后所使用的球场甲板。商业模式。我们看看那些价值4千万美元的创业公司HealthJoy用来吸引早期投资者然后执行巨大的战略转移的健康科技创业公司开始将产品销售给通过“平价医疗法案”市场新保险的人们。但是当这个市场开始恶化时,联合创始人Doug Morse-Schindler和Justin Holland意识到他们需要转移.HealthJoy的故事,通过与Business Insider分享的两个早期的平台,讲述了对可以帮助人们导航的技术的需求。不断变化的医疗保健市场.Emma还与Ethan Perlstein讨论了生物技术Perlara的起点和突然结束,以及他在此过程中学到的东西。忙碌的生物技术公司Perlara进入了Y Combinator,并在事情向南发展之前从Mark Cuban这样的投资者筹集了1000万美元。它的创始人分享了他从失败中吸取的重要教训。依据Perlstein开始,生物技术公司Perlara专注于为目前无法选择的具有毁灭性罕见疾病的患者开发治疗方法。五年来,Perlara迅速从一个老虎机中获得成功在Y Combinator,来自药物巨头诺华和亿万富翁马克库班的投资。但是当事情发生时,Perlstein被迫放弃了这项业务。他告诉Business Insider他是如何从头开始建立一家生物技术公司的第一次创业者,出了什么问题。我和我花了一些时间挖掘监管文件制药和医疗保健行业的首席执行官在2018年赚了多少钱。薪酬方案从数百万到数百万美元不等。医疗保健行业的CEO每年赚取数百万以下是业界高管在2018年的收入。一些值得注意的薪酬方案:葛兰素史克首席执行官艾玛沃姆斯利:7,662,210美元梅克首席执行官肯弗雷泽:17,643,087美元雅培实验室首席执行官迈尔斯怀特:24,254,238美元中欧首席执行官迈克尔尼多夫:26,122,414美元了解更多信息。我们10个人改变业务的乐趣还没有完成!根据我们与被提名者的对话,这里有更多的报道。据一位帮助发明大片基因编辑工具的遗传学家称,我们将在5年内吃掉第一批Crispr'd食品。我们要求10位医疗保健领导者确定他们所认为的行业中最大的变革。以下是他们所说的内容。改变医疗保健行业的领导者对他们的行业存在最大的误解,从药品价格到迷幻剂这一周都是如此 - 请关注下周医疗团队一直在研究的大项目,我希望你们我喜欢它!