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概要:Approximately 108,000 millionaires moved to new countries last year. Their top destinations are Australia, the US, Canada, and Switzerland.
{1} 彭博社报道,世界各地的百万富翁比以往任何时候都更多地迁往新的国家。2018年,约有108,000名百万富翁迁往新的国家,根据新世界财富的一项研究,2017年将达到95,000人。这些超级富豪们迁移到澳大利亚的最佳目的地是澳大利亚。美国,加拿大,瑞士和阿拉伯联合酋长国是世界上其他热门目的地之一。彭博社报道,世界上的百万富翁正以比以往更高的速度向新的国家迁移,通常是出于税收目的或逃避一个国家的经济或政治紧张局势。大约有108,000名百万富翁移居国家。根据新世界财富(NWW)的一项研究,2018年与2017年的95,000相比。全球市场研究小组通过将新百万富翁的数量除以已经居住在该国的高净值个人总数,将百万富翁流入12个国家。“今天的富人没有一个国家,”Reaz Withers Worldwide的合伙人H. Jafri帮助富裕的客户搬迁到世界各地,他们在2017年告诉纽约时报。“他们并不认为他们的成功与一个国家有关或依赖于他们自己的事业对我来说,有多少非常富有的人完全可以移动,这真是太棒了。”澳大利亚现在是超级富豪的首选目的地,其次是美国,加拿大和瑞士。许多富裕的外国人很可能被吸引到澳大利亚根据NWW的报告,它的犯罪率很低,缺乏像美国这样的遗产税,以及国家的整体安全。根据NWW的说法,大多数高净值人士都说英语,这解释了为什么前三名国家是主要的说英语的。长期以来,其他几个顶级国家,如新加坡和加勒比岛屿,一直被称为避税天堂。另一方面,包括中国,俄罗斯和英国在内的国家正在失去百万富翁。一世据彭博社报道,在英国的情况下,这些百万富翁可能会逃离英国退欧的不确定性。以下是百万富翁迁入的前12个国家。 {1}{0}{1}
Millionaires around the world are moving to new countries more than ever before, Bloomberg reported.About 108,000 millionaires moved to new countries in 2018, compared to 95,000 in 2017, according to a study by New World Wealth.The top destination these ultra-wealthy people are migrating to is Australia.The US, Canada, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates are some of the other popular destinations for the world's super-rich.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.The world's millionaires are moving to new countries at a higher rate than ever, Bloomberg reported, often for tax purposes or to escape a country's economic or political tensions.About 108,000 millionaires migrated countries in 2018, compared to 95,000 in 2017, according to a study by New World Wealth (NWW). The global market research group ranked the flow of millionaires into 12 countries by dividing the number of new millionaires by the total number of high-net-worth individuals already living in the country.“The wealthy today don't have a country,” Reaz H. Jafri, a partner at Withers Worldwide, which helps affluent clients relocate around the world, told The New York Times in 2017. “They don't view their success as being related or dependent on a single country, but on their own business strategies. It's amazing to me how many of the very wealthy are going totally mobile.”Australia is the top destination for the ultra-wealthy these days, followed by the US, Canada, and Switzerland.Many wealthy foreigners are likely drawn to Australia for its low crime rate, the lack of an inheritance tax like in the US, and the country's overall safety, according to the NWW report.Most high-net-worth individuals are English-speaking, according to NWW, which explains why the top three countries are primarily English-speaking. Several of the other top countries, such as Singapore and the Caribbean islands, have long been known as tax havens.Countries including China, Russia, and the UK, on the other hand, are losing millionaires. In the UK's case, these millionaires are likely fleeing the uncertainty of Brexit, Bloomberg reported. Here are the top 12 countries millionaires are moving to.