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crude oil price
Crude Oil Prices at Risk if US Economic Data Cool Fed Rate Cut Bets

Crude Oil Prices at Risk if US Economic Data Cool Fed Rate Cut Bets

Crude oil prices may fall if upbeat US retail sales and consumer confidence data cool Fed rate cut bets and sour risk appetite across financial markets.

Crude Oil Prices May Struggle to Sustain Gains on Inventory Data

Crude Oil Prices May Struggle to Sustain Gains on Inventory Data

Crude oil prices may struggle to sustain gains even as overall market sentiment brightens if EIA inventory data reveals stockpiles grew last week, souring demand bets.

Crude Oil Prices Eye Chart Barrier as Markets Weigh Fed, ECB Policy

Crude Oil Prices Eye Chart Barrier as Markets Weigh Fed, ECB Policy

Crude oil prices have run into four-month chart resistance as markets await cues from Julys FOMC and ECB meeting minutes as well as the Jackson Hole symposium.

Crude Oil Prices May Fall as US Data Feeds Growth Slump Fears

Crude Oil Prices May Fall as US Data Feeds Growth Slump Fears

Crude oil prices may continue to fall alongside stocks if soggy US retail sales and other data continues to feed fears about a looming slump in economic growth.

Crude Oil Price Drop May Resume as Risk Appetite Evaporates

Crude Oil Price Drop May Resume as Risk Appetite Evaporates

Crude oil prices may succumb to selling pressure once again after a brief respite as trade war worries push markets to reduce exposure ahead of the weekend.

Crude Oil Prices Eye 2-Month Low as Trade War Sours Global Growth

Crude Oil Prices Eye 2-Month Low as Trade War Sours Global Growth

Crude oil prices seem poised to revisit two-month lows near the $50/bbl figure as US-China trade war escalation sours global economic growth expectations.

Crude Oil and Gold Prices May Fall Further on BOE Rate Decision

Crude Oil and Gold Prices May Fall Further on BOE Rate Decision

Gold prices may fall – making good on technical clues pointing to topping – as the Federal Reserve shies away from endorsing the markets ultra-dovish policy outlook.

Crude Oil Prices May Fall as Gloomy ECB, US Data Spook Markets

Crude Oil Prices May Fall as Gloomy ECB, US Data Spook Markets

Crude oil prices may fall if downbeat commentary from the ECB and soft US durable goods orders data stokes global slowdown fears and spooks financial markets.

Crude Oil Prices May See Clashing Cues in Eurozone PMI, EIA Data

Crude Oil Prices May See Clashing Cues in Eurozone PMI, EIA Data

Crude oil prices might face conflicting cues as Eurozone PMI data warns of slowing global demand while EIA inventory data reveals a hefty drawdown.

Crude Oil Prices May Fall Further as Global Growth Outlook Dims

Crude Oil Prices May Fall Further as Global Growth Outlook Dims

Crude oil prices may continue to fall after suffering the largest weekly drawdown in two months as the outlook for global growth – and thereby energy demand – sours.

Crude Oil Prices May Rise While Gold Falls as Markets Consolidate

Crude Oil Prices May Rise While Gold Falls as Markets Consolidate

Crude oil prices may turn higher while gold pulls back from recent highs as commodity markets digest recent volatility into the end of the trading week.

Crude Oil Prices Weaken on Barry Downgrade, Eye EIA Drilling Data

Crude Oil Prices Weaken on Barry Downgrade, Eye EIA Drilling Data

Crude oil prices weakened as tropical storm Barry weakened. They may fall further if EIA data tracking US drilling productivity stokes oversupply fears.

Crude Oil Prices Break 3-Month Resistance, OPEC Report Due

Crude Oil Prices Break 3-Month Resistance, OPEC Report Due

Crude oil prices broke resistance capping them since April, buoyed by a dovish Fed and a sharp drop in inventories. Surly OPEC commentary may not cool the rally.

Crude Oil Prices May Weaken Before Powell Testimony, FOMC Minutes

Crude Oil Prices May Weaken Before Powell Testimony, FOMC Minutes

Crude oil prices may retreat as market-wide risk appetite cools before much-anticipated testimony from Fed Chair Powell and the release of June FOMC meeting minutes.

Crude Oil Prices Brace for Impact as Fed Chair Powell Speaks

Crude Oil Prices Brace for Impact as Fed Chair Powell Speaks

Crude oil prices may turn lower if worried comments from Fed Chair Jerome Powell spook markets even as scope for a more dovish policy outlook is diminished.

Crude Oil, Gold Prices Look to Fed Rate Decision for Direction Cues

Crude Oil, Gold Prices Look to Fed Rate Decision for Direction Cues

Crude oil and gold prices are looking ahead to the Federal Reserve policy announcement for direction cues. The balance of risks seems to bode ill for commodities.

Gold Prices Miss Out as Shaky Markets Find Haven in the US Dollar

Gold Prices Miss Out as Shaky Markets Find Haven in the US Dollar

Gold prices were unable to capitalize as jittery financial markets rediscovered the haven appeal of the US Dollar. More of the same looks likely ahead.

Crude Oil Prices Up, Gold Down as Markets Cheer US-Mexico Detente

Crude Oil Prices Up, Gold Down as Markets Cheer US-Mexico Detente

Crude oil prices rose with stocks while gold prices fell as the US Dollar rose with bond yields after the White House shelved a plan to impose tariffs on Mexico.

Crude Oil Price Outlook Remains Fragile - Will Near-Term Support Hold?

Crude Oil Price Outlook Remains Fragile - Will Near-Term Support Hold?

Crude oils sharp sell-off has halted in the short-term as the market hits support off an important Fibonacci level.

Crude Oil Prices at Risk as EU Mulls New Leadership, Italy Budget

Crude Oil Prices at Risk as EU Mulls New Leadership, Italy Budget

Crude oil prices may succumb alongside broader market sentiment if commentary out of an EU leaders summit spooks investors and inspires anti-risk liquidation.

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