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Özet:Clearing cookies on an iPhone can fix bugs and potentially help your phone's browsers run faster. Here's how to clear or block cookies on an iPhone.
{1} 如果Safari未正确显示网页,或者您的iPhone空间不足,则可能需要清除Cookie。您可以只需在设置应用程序中点击几下即可在iPhone上清除Cookie。如果您担心收集个人信息和浏览历史记录的第三方网站,您还可以完全阻止Cookie。访问Business Insider的主页以获取更多故事。 Cookie是网站存储在手机或计算机上的小文件,可帮助他们记住有关您和您访问的信息。通过这种方式,他们可以自定义和个性化您的Web体验。您的银行可能会使用Cookie记住您的登录电子邮件地址,以及如何显示该网页。零售商可能会使用cookie来记住购物车中的内容。但是,Cookie有时会成为一个问题。您可能需要在iPhone上清除Cookie以解决浏览器行为方式的问题,或者节省存储空间。一些隐私权倡导者建议完全阻止cookie,以便网站无法收集有关您的个人信息。也就是说,虽然偶尔清除cookie可能是有益的,但我们建议您启用cookie,因为阻止它会导致不方便且不满意的Web体验。如果您已阻止Cookie并稍后决定将其重新打开,请参阅我们的文章“如何在iPhone上启用Cookie以帮助简化您的网页浏览”。如何在iPhone1上清除Safari中的cookie。打开“设置”应用。 2.向下滚动并点按“Safari”.3。点按页面底部的“高级”。在“高级”页面上,点按“网站数据”。在“网站数据”页面上,您可以查看iPhone上存储的每个网站的Cookie文件大小。要删除某些网站的Cookie,请点按“修改”,然后点按网站名称左侧的红色图标。点按“删除”以确认您的选择。要一次删除所有Cookie,请点按“删除所有网站数据”,然后点击弹出窗口中的“立即删除”进行确认。你可能想要删除不只是Cookie,但Safari中的所有历史信息 - 这可以节省额外的存储空间,并可以帮助您在Safari行为不端时进行故障排除。要做到这一点:1。打开“设置”应用。 2.向下滚动并点按“Safari”.3。点按“清除历史记录和网站数据”。然后通过在弹出窗口中点击“清除历史记录和数据”来确认这一点。如何在iPhone1上阻止Safari中的cookie。打开“设置”应用。 2.向下滚动并点按“Safari”.3。通过向右滑动按钮打开“阻止所有Cookie”,然后点击“全部阻止”进行确认。如何在iPhone上的其他浏览器中清除您的Cookie如果您在iPhone上使用Safari以外的浏览器(例如Firefox或Google Chrome),您也可以清除这些应用中的Cookie。但是,您无法在“设置”中找到Cookie控件。您需要查看应用程序本身。在Firefox中,例如:1。打开Firefox应用程序。 2.点击应用程序右下角的菜单(形状像三条水平线).3。点按“设置”,然后点按“数据管理”。 4.点击“清除私人数据”,然后在确认窗口中点击“确定”确认您的决定。其他第三方浏览器允许您以类似的方式清除Cookie。以下是在Chrome中清除Cookie的方法:1。打开Chrome应用.2。点击右下方的菜单(看起来像三个水平点).3。点按“设置”,然后点按“隐私”.4。点击“清除浏览数据”进入菜单,您可以在其中选择要清除的内容。选择“Cookies,站点数据”以及您要删除的任何其他内容,点击红色的“清除浏览数据”按钮,并确认它何时会询问您。如何执行所有操作的相关内容:技术:如何启用Cookie用于帮助简化网页浏览的iPhone如何清除iPhone上的缓存并使其运行更快如何在任何iPhone上显示您的电池百分比,包括iPhone X机型如何释放存储耗尽的iPhone上的空间 { 1}{0}{1}
If Safari isn't displaying pages correctly, or your iPhone is running out of space, you might need to clear your cookies.You can clear cookies on an iPhone with just a few taps in the Settings app.You can also block cookies entirely, if you're concerned about third-party websites collecting your personal information and browsing history.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. Cookies are small files that websites store on your phone or computer to help them remember information about you and your visit. In this way, they can customize and personalize your web experience. Your bank might use cookies to remember your login email address, and how to display the web page. A retailer might use cookies to remember what's in your shopping cart. Cookies can sometimes be a problem, though. You might need to clear your cookies on an iPhone to resolve a problem with the way your browser is behaving, or to save storage space. And some privacy advocates recommend blocking cookies entirely, so that websites can't glean personal information about you. That said, while occasionally clearing cookies can be beneficial, we recommend leaving your cookies enabled because blocking them leads to an inconvenient and unsatisfying web experience. If you've blocked cookies and later decided to turn them back on, see our article, “How to enable cookies on an iPhone to help streamline your web browsing.” How to clear your cookies in Safari on an iPhone1. Open the Settings app. 2. Scroll down and tap “Safari.”3. Tap “Advanced” at the bottom of the page.4. On the Advanced page, tap “Website Data.” On the Website Data page, you can see the size of the cookie files for every website stored on your iPhone. To delete cookies for just certain sites, tap “Edit” and then tap the red icon to the left of the site's name. Tap “Delete” to confirm your choice. To delete all your cookies at once, tap “Remove All Website Data” and confirm this by tapping “Remove Now” in the popup window. You might want to remove not just the cookies, but all history information from Safari as well — this saves additional storage space and can help you troubleshoot if Safari is misbehaving. To do that:1. Open the Settings app. 2. Scroll down and tap “Safari.”3. Tap “Clear History and Website Data.” Then confirm this by tapping “Clear History and Data” in the popup window. How to block cookies in Safari on an iPhone1. Open the Settings app. 2. Scroll down and tap “Safari.”3. Turn on Block All Cookies by sliding the button to the right, and then tap “Block All” to confirm. How to clear your cookies in other browsers on an iPhoneIf you are using a browser other than Safari on your iPhone — like Firefox or Google Chrome, for example — you can clear the cookies in those apps as well. You won't find the controls for cookies in Settings, though. You will need to look in the app itself. In Firefox, for example:1. Open the Firefox app. 2. Tap the menu in the lower right corner of the app (it's shaped like three horizontal lines).3. Tap “Settings,” and then tap “Data Management.” 4. Tap “Clear Private Data” and confirm your decision by tapping “OK” in the confirmation window. Other third-party browsers let you clear cookies in a similar way. Here's how to clear cookies in Chrome:1. Open the Chrome app.2. Tap the menu in the lower right (it looks like three horizontal dots).3. Tap “Settings,” and then tap “Privacy.”4. Tap “Clear Browsing Data” to go into a menu where you can select what you want to clear.5. Select “Cookies, Site Data” and whatever else you'd like to erase, tap the red “Clear Browsing Data” button, and confirm when it asks you to.Related coverage from How To Do Everything: Tech:How to enable cookies on an iPhone to help streamline your web browsingHow to clear the cache on your iPhone and make it run fasterHow to show your battery percentage on any iPhone, including iPhone X modelsHow to free up space on an iPhone that's running out of storage
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