Robert Mueller frustrated both sides of the aisle with his repeated refusal to answer questions, leaving Democrats particularly flummoxed.
Attorney General William Barr predicted that Robert Mueller's upcoming marathon congressional testimony could devolve into a circus.
Sen. Warren pledged to appoint officials who will reverse the DOJ policy that says a sitting president can't be indicted.
Mueller's report says Trump considered "beseeching" Mueller to become FBI director again, but "he did not come in looking for the job."
"And as for me, the case is over," said Sen. Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
The president's former lawyer and fixer accused Jay Sekulow, Rudy Giuliani, Donald Trump Jr., and an unnamed intermediary of potential wrongdoing.
Barr approached Pelosi after a memorial service to ask if she had brought handcuffs to arrest him. Pelosi reportedly didn't miss a beat.
"It doesn't make me happy to say this, but I think he has lost most of his reputation with the way he has conducted himself," Jim Comey said.
Initially, Trump was unequivocal in saying there was "no obstruction." On Thursday, Trump said there was "essentially" no obstruction.
This is the first congressional subpoena of one of Trump's children.
If the contempt charges advance, Barr could face lofty fines or even jail time.
If the contempt charges advance, Barr could face lofty fines or even jail time.
One bill makes it easier for Congress to get Trump's state taxes, and the other curbs the effect of his pardon power in New York.
Barr and Mueller go way back, but this week it's become clear that they don't see eye to eye on the handling of the special counsel's office's report.
Woodward said the US is in a "governing crisis" because Trump "doesn't know how to govern."
Rep. Jerry Nadler cited what he views as "concerning discrepancies and final decision making at the Justice Department" as the impetus for calling Barr to testify.
The letter said that neither the "Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts."