WikiFX، كمنصة مستقلة لخدمة المعلومات تابعة لجهة خارجية، مخصصة لتزويد المستخدمين بخدمات معلومات تنظيمية شاملة وموضوعية عن الوسطاء. لا تشارك WikiFX بشكل مباشر في أي أنشطة تداول فوركس، ولا تقدم أي شكل من أشكال توصيات قنوات التداول أو المشورة الاستثمارية. تستند تصنيفات وتقييمات الوسطاء من قبل WikiFX إلى معلومات موضوعية متاحة للجمهور وتأخذ في الاعتبار الاختلافات في السياسة التنظيمية لمختلف البلدان والمناطق. تصنيفات وتقييمات الوسطاء هي المنتجات الأساسية لـ WikiFX، ونحن نعارض بشدة أي ممارسات تجارية قد تعرض موضوعيتهم ونزاهتهم للخطر. نرحب بالإشراف والاقتراحات من المستخدمين في جميع أنحاء العالم. الخط الساخن للشكاوى:
WTI Falls Under $90, Hits Lowest Since Before Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Gloomy Outlook

WTI Falls Under $90, Hits Lowest Since Before Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine on Gloomy Outlook

The increasingly gloomy global economic outlook, as optimized by Thursday’s new BoE forecasts, plus a weaker USD sent gold higher.

Gold Futures Break Above $1800 Reacting to Both Foreign and Domestic Risks

Gold Futures Break Above $1800 Reacting to Both Foreign and Domestic Risks

This week gold futures have traded above $1800 twice, on Tuesday and today. But today’s break above $1800 differs because gold closed above this key psychological price point.

Oil languishes on recession fears; unconcerned stocks climb on

Oil languishes on recession fears; unconcerned stocks climb on

Oil languished near its lowest since the start of the war in Ukraine on Friday on fears of a global recession, though stocks ignored such worries, gaining ahead of U.S. jobs data that will give another clue to the health of the world’s largest economy.

Australia’s central bank warns economy to slow sharply as inflation soars

Australia’s central bank warns economy to slow sharply as inflation soars

Australia’s central bank on Friday warned inflation was heading to three-decade highs requiring further hikes in interest rates that would slow growth sharply, making it tough to keep the economy on an “even keel”.

Vision Fund slide points to more pain for SoftBank’s Son

Vision Fund slide points to more pain for SoftBank’s Son

Sliding valuations in the listed portfolio of SoftBank Group Corp’s Vision Fund unit point to more pain for CEO Masayoshi Son when the group reports April-June earnings on Monday as investors go cool on the high-growth firms he favours.

Key U.S. Senator Sinema agrees to $430 billion drug, energy bill

Key U.S. Senator Sinema agrees to $430 billion drug, energy bill

The U.S. Senate will convene on Saturday as Democrats seek to push through a $430 billion drug pricing, energy and tax bill over Republican objections, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said on Thursday.

Suncor Energy quarterly profit surges, plans to divest assets

Suncor Energy quarterly profit surges, plans to divest assets

Suncor Energy Inc posted an over fourfold jump in its second-quarter profit on Thursday, as the oil producer benefited from a rally in commodity prices, and floated plans to divest assets and slim down its portfolio.

Cypriot FX and CFDs Broker Tixee Becomes Apollon FC Sponsor

Cypriot FX and CFDs Broker Tixee Becomes Apollon FC Sponsor

The broker will be sponsoring the football club for multiple years. The financials of the deal were not disclosed.

eToro Announces Extension of Partnership with AS Monaco

eToro Announces Extension of Partnership with AS Monaco

In June 2021, eToro became the main sponsor of AS Monaco. The company expanded its global sports sponsorship portfolio significantly in 2021.

Vantage Launches Social Trading Platform to Entice UK Traders

Vantage Launches Social Trading Platform to Entice UK Traders

Vantage hopes the new solution will attract new market entrants to its platform.

Monex Group Posts Solid Revenues in Q1 FY23

Monex Group Posts Solid Revenues in Q1 FY23

Monex highlighted the latest developments regarding TradeStation’s growth strategy. The consolidated pre-tax income in the latest quarter reached JPY 1.1 billion.

Trade Nation Inks Sponsorship Deal with Wolverhampton Wanderers FC

Trade Nation Inks Sponsorship Deal with Wolverhampton Wanderers FC

The broker has become the club’s official FX trading partner. Trade Nation and Wolves are planning to collaborate on different social initiatives.

Exness Enters Five Consecutive Months of $2 Trillion-Plus Volumes

Exness Enters Five Consecutive Months of $2 Trillion-Plus Volumes

The broker first surpassed the $2 trillion mark in March. Volume jumped 1% to $2.275 trillion in July.

cTrader Adds PANDA CRM To Their Integration Ecosystem

cTrader Adds PANDA CRM To Their Integration Ecosystem

We, at Spotware, are excited to announce the release of the integration of Spotware’s cTrader with Panda’s flagship CRM platform and Client Area.

July 2022: TOP 3 NordFX Traders Earn Over $105,000

July 2022: TOP 3 NordFX Traders Earn Over $105,000

NordFX Brokerage company has summed up the performance of its clients’ trade transactions in July 2022.

Asian stocks rise on upbeat data, Fed hawks lift dollar

Asian stocks rise on upbeat data, Fed hawks lift dollar

Asian stocks rose on Thursday, taking cues from a strong rally on Wall Street after robust economic data and upbeat corporate guidance boosted investor appetite.

Cuba more than quadruples dollar/peso exchange rate

Cuba more than quadruples dollar/peso exchange rate

Cuba announced it will begin purchasing on Thursday dollars and other convertible currencies at nearly five times the current rate in an effort to undercut the informal money market and capture the funds.

Indian rupee set to trade near historic low in coming three months – Reuters Poll

Indian rupee set to trade near historic low in coming three months – Reuters Poll

India’s rupee will trade near its historic low in the coming three months, despite a recent recovery, based on a widening trade deficit and global flows into safe-haven U.S. dollars, a Reuters poll of foreign exchange strategists found.

Japan must prepare for eventual end to BOJ’s yield cap, says MOF executive

Japan must prepare for eventual end to BOJ’s yield cap, says MOF executive

Japan must prepare for the time the central bank abandons its 0% cap on long-term interest rates and when private investors become the dominant player in the government bond market, said a finance ministry executive overseeing debt issuance.

Emerging Asian equities see first monthly inflows in seven months

Emerging Asian equities see first monthly inflows in seven months

Emerging Asian equities ex-China saw monthly foreign inflows in July, after six months of capital withdrawals, as investors bet that the size of U.S. interest rate hikes would ease, and that a recent drop in commodity prices would temper surging inflation.


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فوركس تداولتداول العملات الأجنبيةاسعار العملاتوسطاء الفوركسنقد النقد الاجنبىسوق الفوركسحساب الفوركسالتطبيق الفوركستجارة النقد الاجنبى الآليتحليل الفوركسخوارزمية الفوركستنبيهات الفوركستاجر الفوركسوسيط الفوركسنظام النقد الاجنبى يعملوسطاء الفوركس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةأساسيات الفوركسصندوق النقد الاجنبىالفوركس بلوقالبنك الفوركسالفوركس مؤشر ب مدار الساعةالنقد الاجنبى ب مدار الساعةمخططات الفوركسالعملة الفوركسبطاقة الفوركسأزمة النقد الاجنبىدروس الفوركستعريف الفوركسحساب فوركس تجريبياستراتيجية التداول اليوم الفوركستطوير الفوركسدليل الفوركستجار الفوركس اليومصرف العملات الأجنبيةاليورو الفوركستعليم الفوركسforexتجارة العملات الإلكترونيةالفوركس للمبتدئينتوقعات الفوركسالعقود الآجلة الفوركسمؤشرات الفوركسأسعار الفائدة الفوركسالمستثمر الاجنبىصناعة الفوركسالفوركس على الانترنتمنصات تداول العملات الأجنبيةfcanfawikifxالرافعة الماليةمخاطر الفوركسإدارة المخاطر الفوركسساعات تداول العملات الأجنبيةforex tradingforex newsforex ratesforex brokersforex reviewsforex marketforex accountforex appforex alertsforex analysisa forex brokerforex basicsbest leaderDIRECT TTEGM ForexWikiFX ReviewSaqs InvestmentCharles Schwabفوركس فوكسشركات الفوركسMax Market FX LtdVIEXSSCEIDQUOTEXالبنك المركزيالتضخمالانكماشرفع سعرالفائدةالجنيه المصري IQ OptionWest CapitalINFOCHOICEXTrend SpeedROSYSTYLE WEALTHنصائحوسيط مثالي POIPEXSMI TRADEPROFITSCCHOPFIST WEALTHKangDaCMI TRADERConfort FXMIEXAMEGAVICTORIA CAPITALاستثمارالصناديق الاستثماريةالتمويل الجماعي الاسهمرأس مالLifecoinFEXDWS INVESTFDX CAPITALCRYPTO1CAPITALMSGRegain CapitalSpartan TradeCMTproOLYMP TRADEPrime InvestNordex InvestAdar CapitalMboxes TechEuropeMarketMetamaxFXMYN CapitalW2W CapitalCrypticsEasyTradeAPPNovobrokersDT SecuritiesInvestirexGitex CapitalUeTradesActive ResistTrades Universalapextradefx24Uni-coIdealfxtradingFx-CapitalUSGCOASTHERITAGE INVESTInetmarketsCryptoneyxFXGlobeIconic ManagementProgresive TradePROFIT CINDA LIMITEDBasel MarketsTrade HuzePaxful Financialscrypto-smartchainAMT Futures LimitedAmtop Markets LtdTop-minerBluefoxinvestmentFxCapitalProfitVenus HoldingsHONESTUMZeta Hedge22 PipsProtonForexHFx CryptoFx TradeUKBTCiToroStocksEQUALPROSKranken FxWaterman Bates
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