عرض التفاصيل
Gold punched above $1,600 for the first time since 2013, and oil spiked. But the gains fizzled. "They've barely scratched the US," says an analyst.
"We think it very likely indeed that Iran was indeed responsible, using both drones and cruise missiles," Boris Johnson told reporters.
The US and Saudi Arabia are looking for evidence proving Iranian culpability as the two countries weigh their responses to the debilitating attacks.
"There is a direct line you can draw from Trump's violation of the Iran deal and the risk of conflict today," one former US official told Insider.
An expert told Business Insider that China has been the largest buyer of Saudi oil since 2009 and could be most impacted by a halt to oil exports.
The US is publicly and in leaks to the press making the case that Iran struck Saudi oil sites, but it remains unclear what the next step will be.
Drones hit two key Saudi Aramco oil refineries, shutting down production on around 5% of the world's daily oil production and causing prices to surge.
Bolton's abrupt firing came after reports that he vocally disagreed with Trump's plan to host the Taliban for peace negotiations at Camp David.
President Donald Trump cited strong disagreements he had with National Security Adviser John Bolton's suggestions in announcing his dismissal.
Iran has tried three times this year to put a satellite into space, but each time, something has gone wrong with the rocket.
The US blames Iran for two tanker explosions and a drone shooting near the Strait of Hormuz. Some 21 million barrels of oil pass through it every day.
President Donald Trump said Thursday that the USS Boxer shot down and "immediately destroyed" an Iranian drone near the Strait of Hormuz.
Iran has been expressing frustration with the other parties who signed the 2015 deal at not helping Iran after the US-imposed sanctions.
The US blames Iran for two tanker explosions and a drone shooting near the Strait of Hormuz. Some 21 million barrels of oil pass through it every day.
Mohammad-Javad Azari Jahromi, an Iranian minister, said the US was devoting "a lot of effort" to attacking Iran, but was yet to achieve anything.
President Donald Trump approved a plan to strike Iranian targets before dawn on Friday, but backed out on Thursday night, The New York Times reported.
In the wake of several attacks on commercial shipping, the Pentagon has decided it needs more troops on the ground in the Middle East to check Iran.
"We have quadrupled the rate of enrichment and even increased it more recently, so that in 10 days it will bypass the 300 kg limit," Iran said Monday.
"We have quadrupled the rate of enrichment and even increased it more recently, so that in 10 days it will bypass the 300 kg limit," Iran said Monday.
Some experts say Trump is ramping up tensions with Iran to squeezing them into capitulation, a high-risk strategy that shows little signs of working.