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X Charter Review: Is It a Safe Broker for Your Investments?

X Charter Review: Is It a Safe Broker for Your Investments?

Choosing a reliable broker that offers competitive conditions and robust security is essential. X Charter, a Belize-registered brokerage, claims to offer a comprehensive trading platform for Forex, CFDs on Shares, Futures, Indices, Metals, and Energy. However, with its unregulated status and some concerning features, potential traders must carefully assess the risks before opening an account.

Exposure 02-25
Retiree Lost RM4 Million to a Facebook Investment Scam

Retiree Lost RM4 Million to a Facebook Investment Scam

A 73-year-old retiree suffered a devastating financial loss of RM4 million after falling prey to a fraudulent share investment scheme advertised on Facebook.

News 02-25
Decade-Long FX Scheme Unravels: Victims Lose Over RM48 Mil

Decade-Long FX Scheme Unravels: Victims Lose Over RM48 Mil

A sophisticated forex investment scheme that took a decade to establish has been exposed as a global financial fraud. In Malaysia alone, at least 77 individuals have reportedly lost more than RM48 million.

News 02-25
The Top 5 Hidden Dangers of AI in Forex and Crypto Trading

The Top 5 Hidden Dangers of AI in Forex and Crypto Trading

Discover the top 5 hidden dangers of AI in forex and crypto trading: over-reliance, market manipulation, predictive failures, ethical issues, and volatility risks.

News 02-25
Pepperstone Adds 79 Stocks to 24-Hour US Share CFDs

Pepperstone Adds 79 Stocks to 24-Hour US Share CFDs

Pepperstone expands 24-hour US share CFDs, adding 79 stocks like Tesla and Nvidia, meeting demand for after-hours trading opportunities.

News 02-25
Become a Full-Time FX Trader in 6 Simple Steps

Become a Full-Time FX Trader in 6 Simple Steps

Are you thinking about being a full-time forex trader? If your answer is yes. This article is especially for you. Here are six tips to help you become a full-time Forex trader.

News 02-24

Unions sue over Musk demand for federal workers to justify jobs

The demand for federal employees to share work accomplishments or be forced to resign sparked alarm and led to much confusion.

Industry 02-24
Scam Couple behind NECCORPO Arrested by Thai Authorities

Scam Couple behind NECCORPO Arrested by Thai Authorities

Thai authorities have dismantled a cryptocurrency investment fraud syndicate, arresting a Chinese national and a Thai woman linked to a multi-million baht money laundering operation. The pair, who led an extravagant lifestyle funded by illicit activities, have been connected to 28 separate fraud cases, with total financial damages exceeding 30 million baht.

News 02-24
Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Authorities in Malaysia have launched an extensive investigation into a fraudulent stock investment scheme, which has resulted in losses amounting to RM638,205.

News 02-24
Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Authorities in Malaysia have launched an extensive investigation into a fraudulent stock investment scheme, which has resulted in losses amounting to RM638,205.

News 02-24
Should You Choose Rock-West or Avoid it?

Should You Choose Rock-West or Avoid it?

Rock-West, founded in Seychelles, offers a wide array of trading assets, including Forex, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. It offers MetaTrader 5 and Rock-West Trader. Rock-West is regulated by the FSA, offering a sense of security and assurance.

News 02-24
Brazilian Man Charged in $290 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme Affecting 126,000 Investors

Brazilian Man Charged in $290 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme Affecting 126,000 Investors

A Brazilian man, Douver T. Braga, faces charges in a $290 million Ponzi scheme involving 126,000 investors, using Bitcoin in a fraudulent Trade Coin Club platform.

News 02-24
ATFX Enhances Trading Platform with BlackArrow Integration

ATFX Enhances Trading Platform with BlackArrow Integration

ATFX integrates the BlackArrow trading platform, offering advanced tools for forex, crypto, and stocks with automation and real-time analytics for traders.

News 02-24
Franklin Templeton Submitted S-1 Filing for Spot Solana ETF to the SEC on February 21

Franklin Templeton Submitted S-1 Filing for Spot Solana ETF to the SEC on February 21

Franklin Templeton has submitted an S-1 filing for a Spot Solana ETF, becoming the sixth company to apply for such a product.

News 02-24
Exposing the Truth: What Happened with the Losses of Thousands of Dollars on the GlobTFX Platform?

Exposing the Truth: What Happened with the Losses of Thousands of Dollars on the GlobTFX Platform?

The facts are clear and undeniably shocking—GlobTFX has caused significant financial losses to well-known traders in the Arab world. Eighteen victims have confirmed a total loss exceeding $22,372! But this is just the tip of the iceberg…

Exposure 02-24
Understanding Currency Intervention in Forex Markets

Understanding Currency Intervention in Forex Markets

Currency intervention involves actions by a nation's central bank or monetary authority to influence the value of its currency in the foreign exchange (forex) market. These interventions aim to achieve specific economic objectives, such as controlling inflation, stabilizing the currency, or influencing trade balances.

News 02-24
UK Hits HSBC, 3 Banks with £104.4M Fine for Bond Misconduct

UK Hits HSBC, 3 Banks with £104.4M Fine for Bond Misconduct

HSBC, Citi, RBC, and Morgan Stanley fined £104.4M by CMA for sharing sensitive bond market info, distorting UK gilts competition from 2009-2013.

News 02-24
The Biggest Hacking History in Cryptocurrency Shocks Bybit

The Biggest Hacking History in Cryptocurrency Shocks Bybit

Know the biggest hacking history in cryptocurrency as Bybit loses $1.5B to Lazarus Group. Learn about the largest crypto heist, security breaches, and more.

News 02-24
Construction Datuk Director Loses RM26.6 Mil to UVKXE Crypto Scam

Construction Datuk Director Loses RM26.6 Mil to UVKXE Crypto Scam

A 74-year-old director of a construction company has reportedly lost RM26.6 million after falling prey to a cryptocurrency investment scam linked to the UVKXE app.

News 02-24
SEC Drops Coinbase Lawsuit, Signals Crypto Policy Shift

SEC Drops Coinbase Lawsuit, Signals Crypto Policy Shift

SEC drops Coinbase lawsuit, marking a crypto policy shift under Trump. Explore the impact on Coinbase and the crypto sector in this major regulatory pivot.

News 02-24
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