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Is OneRoyal the Right Broker for You?

Is OneRoyal the Right Broker for You?

OneRoyal is an Australian-based company with a history spanning 10-15 years, offering trading services in the financial sector.

News 01-03
How Big is the Impact of the USD-JPY Rate Gap on the Yen?

How Big is the Impact of the USD-JPY Rate Gap on the Yen?

The U.S. Federal Reserve's repeated rate cuts and the narrowing of the U.S.-Japan interest rate differential are now in sight. So, why is the U.S.-Japan interest rate differential so important for the yen’s safe-haven appeal, especially when global economic uncertainty rises?

News 01-03
 Fake Currency Racket in India! Exposed

Fake Currency Racket in India! Exposed

An Indian man ran a fake currency racket for a year in Shravasti, Uttar Pradesh..The culprit told the police From Youtube, he learned how to print fake currency.

News 01-03
Malaysian Man Killed in Alleged Forex Dispute-Related Attack

Malaysian Man Killed in Alleged Forex Dispute-Related Attack

A 44-year-old Malaysian businessman, Wong Kai Lai, died after being attacked by about 20 men in Jenjarom, Kuala Langat, on 19 December. Police believe the attack may have been linked to a foreign currency exchange dispute.

News 01-03
Stablecoins: The New Frontier in Digital Finance?

Stablecoins: The New Frontier in Digital Finance?

In 2024, while Bitcoin’s surge past US$100,000 captured global attention, financial institutions turned their focus to stablecoins. Will stablecoins be the new frontier in digital finance for the year of 2025?

News 01-03
Turkey Resumes Rate Cuts Amid Easing Inflation

Turkey Resumes Rate Cuts Amid Easing Inflation

Turkey’s inflation has eased, prompting the central bank to resume interest rate cuts. Striking a balance between economic recovery and inflation control has become a critical focus. However, significant challenges lie ahead, as Turkey continues to navigate complex economic conditions.

News 01-03
Top 9 Financial Fraud Cases in Recent History

Top 9 Financial Fraud Cases in Recent History

Know the top 9 financial fraud cases in history, from Enron to FTX, uncovering deception and greed. Learn how WikiFX protects investors from scams and fraud.

News 01-03
Share Industry Insights and Discuss Forex Market Trends-Philippines

Share Industry Insights and Discuss Forex Market Trends-Philippines

This month, we are excited to announce the posting activity, Share Industry Insights and Discuss Forex Market Trends! Share your Forex insights and not only grow alongside thousands of traders, but also have the chance to win generous rewards! Make your trading journey truly exciting — come join us now!

News 01-03
Share Industry Insights and Discuss Forex Market Trends

Share Industry Insights and Discuss Forex Market Trends

Attention, both Forex novices and experts! The opportunity has arrived! Every week, we will select popular posts and outstanding comments. 10 winners of the posting activity will each receive 20 USDT, and 20 comment winners will each receive 15 USDT! Not only are there cash rewards, but your ideas will also inspire more partners to share their Forex insights!

News 01-03
KuCoin Pay Introduces Easy Crypto Payments for Merchants

KuCoin Pay Introduces Easy Crypto Payments for Merchants

How KuCoin Pay, an innovative PoS system enabling merchants to accept 54 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and USDT, for seamless transactions.

News 01-03
FTX Chapter 11 Restructuring Plan Activated: $16 Billion to Be Distributed

FTX Chapter 11 Restructuring Plan Activated: $16 Billion to Be Distributed

The highly anticipated FTX Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring plan officially comes into effect today, marking a critical step forward for the cryptocurrency exchange in recovering from its collapse. A $16 billion recovery fund begins distribution today, offering hope to creditors worldwide.

News 01-03
Share Your Ideas & Earn Cash Rewards

Share Your Ideas & Earn Cash Rewards

Attention, both Forex novices and experts! WikiFx has brought an exciting opportunity for you to win cash rewards by just posting and commenting. Know about this offer in detail and participate before it slips from your hand.

News 01-03
PH SEC Issues Crypto Guidelines for  Crypto-Asset Service Providers

PH SEC Issues Crypto Guidelines for Crypto-Asset Service Providers

The SEC unveils draft guidelines for crypto-asset services in the Philippines, strengthening licensing, compliance, and investor protection for 2025 and beyond.

News 01-03

Apple to pay $95m to settle Siri listening case

The tech giant denies wrongdoing after being accused of eavesdropping on customers.

Industry 01-03
Has the Yen Lost Its Safe-Haven Status?

Has the Yen Lost Its Safe-Haven Status?

The Japanese yen failed to create a miracle in 2024, continuing its four-year decline against the US dollar. Does the yen still retain its safe-haven properties? Will the interest rate differential between the US and Japan narrow?

News 01-02
Terraform Labs Co-founder Do Kwon Extradited to the U.S. to Face Fraud Charges

Terraform Labs Co-founder Do Kwon Extradited to the U.S. to Face Fraud Charges

Montenegrin authorities have transferred Do Kwon, co-founder of Terraform Labs, to the United States, concluding an extended legal battle over his extradition

News 01-02
New Year, New Surge: Will Oil Prices Keep Rising?

New Year, New Surge: Will Oil Prices Keep Rising?

As of the writing of this article (January 2), oil prices stand at $71.88 per barrel. Investors need to continue monitoring whether the supply and demand dynamics will continue to push prices further up.

News 01-02
ECB Targets 2% Inflation as Medium-Term Goal

ECB Targets 2% Inflation as Medium-Term Goal

ECB aims to stabilize inflation at 2% while addressing economic slowdown and export pressure from dollar depreciation.

News 01-02
WikiFX Review: Something You Need to Know About Saxo

WikiFX Review: Something You Need to Know About Saxo

Founded in 1992, Saxo is a Danish investment bank that offers a wide range of investment products (stocks, ETFs, bonds, mutual funds, crypto ETPs) and leveraged products (options, futures, forex, forex options, crypto FX, CFDs, commodities). In today’s article, we will show you what it looks like in 2025.

News 01-02
Is PGM Broker Reliable? Full Review

Is PGM Broker Reliable? Full Review

PGM was incorporated in Australia in 2015. Currently, PGM mainly provides CFD trading services such as foreign exchange, precious metals, energy, index products, and cryptocurrencies.

News 01-02
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