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S.Korea’s new government to streamline public organisations

S.Korea’s new government to streamline public organisations

South Korea’s new government will streamline public organisations, the finance minister said on Friday, citing concerns about efficiency after a rapid expansion in their operations under the previous administration.

Apple Beats Estimates and Delivers Positive Outlook to Support Cryptos

Apple Beats Estimates and Delivers Positive Outlook to Support Cryptos

US corporate earnings delivered the crypto market with a boost during the US extended trading hours, with Apple delivering a positive outlook.

FCA Warning: Beware of the Unlicensed ProfitFX Pro

FCA Warning: Beware of the Unlicensed ProfitFX Pro

ProfitFX Pro has actually found itself the subject of unlicensed forex brokers alert from the UK authority. Of course, even without the warning the fact that ProfitFX Pro is up to no good is clear as unregulated investment companies have much freedom to steal money from victims with little to no consequences.

Dollar wallows near 6-week low to yen on view Fed to slow hikes

Dollar wallows near 6-week low to yen on view Fed to slow hikes

The dollar languished near a six-week low to the yen amid a sharp retreat in Treasury yields after investors interpreted a shrinking U.S. economy as one more reason for the Federal Reserve to ease its foot off the tightening pedal.

Argentina’s Fernandez bets on ‘superministry’ to stop economic bleeding

Argentina’s Fernandez bets on ‘superministry’ to stop economic bleeding

Argentine President Alberto Fernandez launched his latest effort to tackle an economy in crisis on Thursday, tapping one of the ruling coalition’s most powerful figures to lead a new “superministry” on the same day the central bank hiked interest rates to 60%.

With massive Polish arms deal S.Korea steps closer to Ukraine war

With massive Polish arms deal S.Korea steps closer to Ukraine war

South Korea’s biggest ever arms deal will make it a major supplier of weapons flooding into Europe since the Ukraine war began, with sales to NATO-member Poland involving more than 1,600 tanks and howitzers, and nearly 50 fighter jets.

Basics of Forex Trading – Part 1

Basics of Forex Trading – Part 1

Newcomers must learn the unique language and dynamics of the forex market to beat the odds and become successful currency traders.

Tips On How To Trade The Currency Pair EUR/GBP

Tips On How To Trade The Currency Pair EUR/GBP

The foreign exchange (Forex) market is an active one where several currency pairs are traded daily. Notably, one of the most popular currency pairs is EUR/GBP.

How To Choose The Right Forex Strategy

How To Choose The Right Forex Strategy

Trading without a strategy is a sure way to lose money, so traders should focus on developing a forex trading strategy that will work for them and bring profits.

Analysis Methods – Fundamental, Technical and Sentiment Analysis

Analysis Methods – Fundamental, Technical and Sentiment Analysis

The three generally accepted methods of analyzing the financial markets are: technical, fundamental, and sentimental. Choosing which one to use is a matter of personal preference that develops from study and practice.

Meta Trader 4: The Complete Guide

Meta Trader 4: The Complete Guide

Meta Trader 4 is considered by many to be the gold standard brand for forex trading platforms. Retail traders who have signed up with multiple brokers will have likely run into a trading platform driven by Meta Trader

Marketmind: Fed day

Marketmind: Fed day

A look at the day ahead in markets from Dhara Ranasinghe.

Nigeria’s Senate summons central bank chief over ‘free fall of the naira’

Nigeria’s Senate summons central bank chief over ‘free fall of the naira’

Nigeria’s Senate passed a motion on Wednesday to summon Central Bank Governor Godwin Emefiele over the “free fall of the naira” and called on the central bank to urgently intervene.

Dollar near 3-week low as Fed’s Powell less hawkish than feared

Dollar near 3-week low as Fed’s Powell less hawkish than feared

The U.S. dollar languished near a three-week low to major peers on Thursday after Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell assuaged trader worries about continued aggressive monetary tightening.

Inflation, price rise could dent India’s gold demand in July-Dec -WGC

Inflation, price rise could dent India’s gold demand in July-Dec -WGC

India’s gold demand in the first half of 2022 jumped 42% from a year ago but consumption in the second half could be lower than last year as higher inflation erodes disposable income, the World Gold Council (WGC) said on Thursday.

Asia shares, bonds find some relief in Fed messaging

Asia shares, bonds find some relief in Fed messaging

Asian shares made cautious gains on Thursday as investors scented a possible slowdown in the pace of U.S. rate hikes, lowering bond yields and restraining the dollar.

How To Use Technical Analysis In Forex Markets

How To Use Technical Analysis In Forex Markets

Technical analysis involves the use of a price chart, which provides a roadmap for past price behavior. A technical analyst relies on the past to predict the future.

Who are the Major Forex Players Behind the Liquidity?

Who are the Major Forex Players Behind the Liquidity?

To be a successful trader, it is important to manage the risk and the volatility. Getting a grasp of these two factors starts with understanding liquidity.

Beginners Guide – Common Mistakes To Avoid While Trading

Beginners Guide – Common Mistakes To Avoid While Trading

Mistakes are a part of learning, and we all make them when we deal with something new. Yet, mistakes can be quite costly in trading, so beginners should know the typical trading mistakes and try to avoid them right from the start.

Factors Affecting Currency Prices

Factors Affecting Currency Prices

It’s the interest rate differential that ultimately drives the Forex price action and makes one currency more attractive than another.

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