The White House announced on Tuesday it had officially sent the nomination of Saule Omarova to lead the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to the Senate for consideration.
Bill Gates warned Donald Trump before he took office of the dangers of a pandemic — and urged him to prioritize the US' preparedness efforts.
President Trump publicly called on Ukraine and China to investigate the former Vice President Joe Biden and his son last week.
"I don't carry a wallet because I haven't had to use a credit card in a long time," Trump told curious reporters who spotted cash in his back pocket.
A General Motors representative said on Tuesday that the White House "has no involvement" in the automaker's negotiations with the UAW.
As Democrats call for Brett Kavanaugh's impeachment, we look back at the 19 federal officials who have been impeached.
Bolton's short resignation letter is emblematic of the terse nature of his departure from the White House, which did not occur under friendly terms.
After Anthony Scaramucci criticized the president's divisiveness on TV, Trump hit back on Twitter, and the Mooch responded with a White House meme.
President Donald Trump has repeatedly said social-media companies are biased against him, and a new executive order reportedly hopes to address that.
See inside the massive historic landmark that isn't as easily accessible for the public as the nearby Eiffel Tower or Arc de Triomphe.
An onlooker told the reporter that Gorka could "kick your punk a--" as some looked on in shock and others cheered in support of the former Trump aide.
Grisham will be taking over for Sarah Huckabee Sanders after serving as first lady Melania Trump's chief spokeswoman.
Trump also noted that if necessary, he could snap back and levy tariffs on Mexico over the issue of border security.
"All you do, vote to impeach, bye bye birdie. It isn't that," the House Speaker said Wednesday. Pelosi has repeatedly resisted calls to impeach Trump.
US sailors, who normally wear caps stenciled with the command's name and insignia, were reportedly allowed to take the day off when Trump arrived,
The White House press secretary is choosing to engage with Fox News while avoiding press briefings, which include other major news outlets.
White House counsel Pat Cipollone said Don McGahn should not appear due to "constitutional immunity."
The White House's size and layout are surprisingly small compared to modern landmarks. It hasn't received a major overhaul since the 1940s.
Democrats on multiple House committees want to haul in the special counsel Robert Mueller to testify on his findings in the Russia investigation.
The Red Sox's name, which dates back to 1908, is short for "The Red Stockings."