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Will SOLANA Survive the Meme Coin Collapse?

Will SOLANA Survive the Meme Coin Collapse?

After reaching an all-time high of $261 in January, Solana (SOL) has seen its value decline, driven largely by the cooling of the meme coin frenzy that had fuelled its rapid ascent.

News 02-19
Regulated vs Unregulated Forex Brokers Explained

Regulated vs Unregulated Forex Brokers Explained

Know the differences between regulated and unregulated forex brokers. Discover pros, cons, and how to verify brokers with WikiFX for safe trading.

News 02-19
Cyprus Police Warn of Rising SMS Scams Targeting Binance Crypto Users

Cyprus Police Warn of Rising SMS Scams Targeting Binance Crypto Users

Cyprus police alert the public about SMS scams impersonating the Binance crypto exchange. Learn how to protect your account from phishing fraud.

News 02-19
BaFin Issues Warnings for 5 Unlicensed Platforms with Varying Risks

BaFin Issues Warnings for 5 Unlicensed Platforms with Varying Risks

The Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) has issued warnings for several platforms operating without the necessary authorization to provide financial services. These platforms, which include websites offering investment opportunities and cryptocurrency services, have been found engaging in unauthorized activities, posing various risks to investors.

News 02-19
FCA Flags 9 Unlicensed Financial Website: Warning on Investor Risks

FCA Flags 9 Unlicensed Financial Website: Warning on Investor Risks

FCA warns against 9 unlicensed financial websites, urging investors to avoid them due to lack of regulatory protection.

News 02-19
No One Falls for Scams… Until They Do. Are You Next?

No One Falls for Scams… Until They Do. Are You Next?

Scams thrive on the belief that only the naive or uninformed become victims. Many assume that intelligence, financial acumen, or sheer scepticism will shield them from fraudsters.

News 02-19
Hong Kong Opens Door to Crypto for Investment Immigration Scheme

Hong Kong Opens Door to Crypto for Investment Immigration Scheme

Hong Kong allows crypto as proof of wealth for its investment immigration scheme, signaling a progressive step toward virtual asset acceptance.

News 02-19
"I can't log in or withdraw funds"- Victim Said

"I can't log in or withdraw funds"- Victim Said

PAY ATTENTION! In this article, you will learn about an unfortunate incident that happened with a guy who invested his money in GlobTFX and, in the end, became a victim. Let's see how it happened to him all of a sudden and take a warning to avoid engaging with GlobTFX.

Exposure 02-19
Doo Group Expands Global Reach with New Cyprus Office

Doo Group Expands Global Reach with New Cyprus Office

Doo Group opens a new 800sqm office in Cyprus, strengthening its EMEA presence and commitment to delivering top-tier financial services worldwide.

News 02-19
The Most Comprehensive Review of FBS in 2025

The Most Comprehensive Review of FBS in 2025

This article evaluates the broker from multiple dimensions, including a basic introduction, fees, safety, account opening, and trading platforms.

News 02-19
Samzuga GPT: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Cryptocurrency Banking

Samzuga GPT: A Revolutionary Breakthrough in Cryptocurrency Banking

In a bold move to accelerate development across Africa and Nigeria, Sam Zuga introduces Samzuga GPT, a cutting-edge cryptocurrency banking platform powered by artificial intelligence.

News 02-19
How WikiFX Can Help You Find the Right Forex Brokers

How WikiFX Can Help You Find the Right Forex Brokers

When it comes to trading in the forex markets, choosing the right broker is crucial. However, with so many options available, it’s hard to know which one is safe, reliable, and trustworthy. This is where WikiFX comes in.

News 02-18
AUSTRAC Shakes Up Australia’s Crypto and Money Transfer Industries

AUSTRAC Shakes Up Australia’s Crypto and Money Transfer Industries

Australia’s financial regulator, AUSTRAC, has taken decisive action against 13 remittance service providers and cryptocurrency exchanges as part of a broader effort to strengthen compliance within these industries.

News 02-18
Is Binance Really for Sale? The Truth Behind the Speculation and Market Shifts

Is Binance Really for Sale? The Truth Behind the Speculation and Market Shifts

Speculation surrounding the potential sale of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has been firmly denied by its co-founder and former CEO, Changpeng “CZ” Zhao.

News 02-18
High Spreads, Hidden Fees? Comparing the Real Costs of Forex Trading

High Spreads, Hidden Fees? Comparing the Real Costs of Forex Trading

Know the hidden costs of Forex trading, including spreads, swap fees, and commissions, and learn how they impact your profits. Stay informed and trade smarter!

News 02-18
How Robo-Advisors Are Transforming Forex Portfolio Management

How Robo-Advisors Are Transforming Forex Portfolio Management

In this article, we will explore how robo-advisors are reshaping forex portfolio management and the impact they have on traders.

News 02-18
Essential Strategies for Profitable Forex Trading

Essential Strategies for Profitable Forex Trading

In the forex market, mastering strategies such as scalping, swing trading, day trading, and position trading is crucial for profitability.

News 02-18
How to Spot a Fake Forex Broker Before You Lose Money

How to Spot a Fake Forex Broker Before You Lose Money

Know how to spot fake Forex brokers and protect your investments. Verify regulatory status, watch out for unrealistic claims, and use tools like WikiFX for added security.

News 02-18
Broker Comparison: XM vs AvaTrade

Broker Comparison: XM vs AvaTrade

When evaluating online trading platforms, it’s essential to compare brokers like XM and AvaTrade to determine which aligns best with your trading needs. Below is a comprehensive comparison based on key factors such as regulatory status, leverage, trading platforms, account types, spreads and commissions, customer service, AI tools, and recent updates.

News 02-18
Indian Authorities Seize $190 Million in Cryptocurrency Linked to the BitConnect Ponzi Scheme

Indian Authorities Seize $190 Million in Cryptocurrency Linked to the BitConnect Ponzi Scheme

In a continuing investigation into cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes, Indian authorities have seized nearly $190 million worth of cryptocurrency associated with Bitconnect. This notorious scam, which was uncovered in 2018, caused significant financial losses for investors across 95 countries, totaling around $2.4 billion. Bitconnect, which launched in 2016, collapsed in 2018, and its founder, Satish Kumbhani, was indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice in February 2022. Kumbhani is alleged to have created a global network of promoters who were paid commissions to promote the Ponzi scheme.

News 02-18
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