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Momentum Investing: Why Interactive Brokers (IBKR) is a Strong Buy

Momentum Investing: Why Interactive Brokers (IBKR) is a Strong Buy

Know why Interactive Brokers (IBKR) is a top momentum stock with a Zacks Rank #1 and A Momentum Score. Learn how IBKR outperforms the market.

News 02-17
“Lost $1000 Because of This Broker"~ Victim Stated

“Lost $1000 Because of This Broker"~ Victim Stated

WikiFX is receiving many complaints regarding GlobTFX. It is one of the complaints in which the victim accuses GlobTFX of defrauding him of USD 1,000. Let's take a closer look at how this happened.

Exposure 02-17
2025 FXTM Comprehensive Review

2025 FXTM Comprehensive Review

Description: This article provides a thorough review of FXTM from multiple perspectives, including its basic introduction, fees, safety, account opening, and trading platforms.

News 02-17

Mali gold mine: Dozens including women killed in collapse

The collapse, which killed at least 40, took place near Kenieba, in Malis gold-rich Kayes region.

Industry 02-16
Advanced Forex Trading Strategies for Competitive Markets

Advanced Forex Trading Strategies for Competitive Markets

The foreign exchange (forex) market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, with trillions of dollars traded daily. For traders, this presents both opportunities and challenges. While the potential for profit is significant, the competitive nature of the market demands a sophisticated approach. To thrive in this environment, traders must adopt advanced strategies that go beyond the basics. This article explores key techniques, including understanding market trends, mastering technical indicators, trading breakouts and reversals, and building a robust trading plan for consistency.

News 02-16

Donald Trump name changes from the Gulf of America to Fort Bragg

Donald Trumps renaming of the Gulf of Mexico and other landmarks suggests his greater vision for America

Industry 02-16
The Top 5 Brokers of February 2025 Selected by WikiFX

The Top 5 Brokers of February 2025 Selected by WikiFX

The world of forex and CFD trading is ever-evolving, and choosing the right broker is crucial for successful trading. As of February 2025, WikiFX has compiled a list of the top 5 brokers that have earned their place based on regulatory credibility, trading conditions, and overall customer satisfaction. Here are the top 5 brokers for February 2025.

News 02-16
AXEL Broker: Is It Worth Your Trust?

AXEL Broker: Is It Worth Your Trust?

Registered in Canada, AXEL Private Market Limited (short for “AXEL”) is a brokerage firm offering its clients the popular MT4 trading platform and providing currency pairs, commodities, stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies to trade. The broker is regulated by the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) and provides competitive spreads, no commissions, and flexible leverage up to 1:500.

News 02-15
Inflation is Here—How Will It Hit Stocks, Forex, Crypto, and Commodities?

Inflation is Here—How Will It Hit Stocks, Forex, Crypto, and Commodities?

Inflation is a force that ripples through every corner of the financial world, reshaping investment landscapes, shifting market sentiment, and altering the trajectory of economies. From Wall Street to the foreign exchange market, from digital assets to raw materials, inflation's impact is far-reaching. Traders who fail to understand its influence risk being caught off guard, while those who adapt can seize profitable opportunities.

News 02-15
200 Years of Market Mayhem: Every Major Financial Crisis Explained

200 Years of Market Mayhem: Every Major Financial Crisis Explained

Financial crises have shaped economies for centuries, often leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. While each crisis has its own unique causes, recurring themes, such as speculation, regulatory failures, and external shocks, continue to threaten global markets. This article explores the most significant financial collapses in history, revealing the patterns that link past crises to modern financial instability.

News 02-14
Checkout! List of FCA-Warned Brokers

Checkout! List of FCA-Warned Brokers

PAY ATTENTION! Take a look at the list below. The UK's regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), has recently exposed these firms for operating without proper authorization.

Exposure 02-14
 Broker Review of Aurum Markets

Broker Review of Aurum Markets

According to the broker, Aurum Markets Limited is incorporated in Saint Lucia as an International Broker Company with the registration number 2024-00298 having its Registered Address as Ground Floor, The Sotheby Building, Rodney Village, Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia.

Exposure 02-14
Complaint Against GlobTFX

Complaint Against GlobTFX

Beware! Think twice before investing in GlobTFX. Recently, WikiFX received a complaint regarding this broker, and we want to warn you that this is not the only one. We've received several complaints about GlobTFX in recent times.

Exposure 02-14
South Korea Lifts Ban on Institutional Crypto Trading in 2025

South Korea Lifts Ban on Institutional Crypto Trading in 2025

South Korea will allow institutional crypto trading in 2025, enabling non-profits, corporations, and professional investors to trade Bitcoin and Ethereum.

News 02-14
Mastercard Launches AI-Powered Anti-Money Laundering Service in Philippines

Mastercard Launches AI-Powered Anti-Money Laundering Service in Philippines

Mastercard introduces AI-driven TRACE in the Philippines to combat financial crime, enhancing fraud prevention and securing real-time payments.

News 02-14
Thailand Cracks Down on Online Scam Centers, Rescuing 260 Victims

Thailand Cracks Down on Online Scam Centers, Rescuing 260 Victims

Thailand rescues 260 victims from online scam centers in Myanmar. The crackdown highlights efforts to dismantle Southeast Asia's scam networks.

News 02-14
Shocking! Platform Steals User's $506 with Deceptive Tactics

Shocking! Platform Steals User's $506 with Deceptive Tactics

This article will uncover how GlobTFX uses false advertising and technical issues to create a carefully designed trap, leaving investors with nothing.

Exposure 02-14
IG Group to Shut Down IG Community by February 28, 2025

IG Group to Shut Down IG Community by February 28, 2025

IG Group announces the closure of its IG Community on February 28, 2025, promising a future platform better suited for traders' needs.

News 02-14
Trump signed an order to implement reciprocal tariff actions

Trump signed an order to implement reciprocal tariff actions

The directive includes calculating duties to match those other countries charge and addressing non-tariff barriers such as vehicle safety rules and value-added taxes that hinder U.S. exports.

News 02-14

Trump tariff VAT threat raises prospects of hit to UK

The surprise inclusion of VAT to calculate tariffs prompts questions over the impact on British businesses.

Industry 02-14
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