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Shocking RM886k Investment Scam in Malaysia: Teacher's Savings Wiped Out!

Shocking RM886k Investment Scam in Malaysia: Teacher's Savings Wiped Out!

A 43-year-old Malaysian tuition teacher lost RM886,000 in a social media investment scam involving the fraudulent Trus Wallet scheme. Lured by promises of high returns, she transferred funds through 30 transactions before realizing the deception. This case highlights the rise of online investment scams targeting unsuspecting individuals.

News 02-14
Scam in the name of Forex Trading

Scam in the name of Forex Trading

The Enforcement Directorate exposed a scam of Rs. 170 crores that was going on in the name of forex trading. The ED revealed that big names like Lavish Chaudhary, the creator of the AI-based trading broker BOTBRO, are also involved in this scam. The ED in India is responsible for investigating and prosecuting money laundering and FEMA violations targeting illegal foreign exchange and financial crimes.

Exposure 02-13
eToro Confidentially Files for US IPO Amid $5 Billion Valuation Speculation

eToro Confidentially Files for US IPO Amid $5 Billion Valuation Speculation

Israeli-based social trading broker eToro has officially confirmed that it has confidentially submitted an F-1 registration statement to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), moving forward with its initial public offering (IPO). While the company has not publicly disclosed specific details such as its valuation, IPO underwriters, or listing timeline, reports suggest that eToro is aiming for a $5 billion valuation.

News 02-13
FCA Flags 7 Unauthorized Firms: Warning on Investor Risks

FCA Flags 7 Unauthorized Firms: Warning on Investor Risks

FCA warns against seven unlicensed financial websites, urging investors to avoid them due to lack of regulatory protection.

News 02-13
How Crypto Miners Turn Electricity into Profit?

How Crypto Miners Turn Electricity into Profit?

Crypto mining has evolved into a high-stakes industry, where profitability depends on multiple factors, including energy costs, mining difficulty, and hardware efficiency. So, how exactly do miners turn electricity into profit—and is it still worth the effort?

News 02-13
Forex Scam Defrauds Over RM100 Million from Hundreds of Investors

Forex Scam Defrauds Over RM100 Million from Hundreds of Investors

A foreign exchange (forex) investment scam that swindled more than 100 million ringgit from hundreds of investors has prompted the Malaysian International Humanitarian Organization (MHO) to take action.

News 02-13
SEC and Binance Seek 60-Day Pause in Legal Proceedings Amid Regulatory Shift

SEC and Binance Seek 60-Day Pause in Legal Proceedings Amid Regulatory Shift

According to reports, on February 10, 2025, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and cryptocurrency exchange Binance filed a joint motion requesting a 60-day pause in their ongoing legal case. This development marks the first significant pause in major cryptocurrency litigation since Mark Uyeda assumed the role of acting SEC chair. The motion cites the establishment of the SEC’s Crypto Task Force as a key factor influencing the potential resolution of the case.

News 02-13
Grow Trade Matrix Broker Review

Grow Trade Matrix Broker Review

In this review, we will examine this broker and why traders should carefully consider the risks involved before deciding to invest.

Exposure 02-13
FinTech Trends in Forex: What to Expect in the Next 5 Years

FinTech Trends in Forex: What to Expect in the Next 5 Years

The evolution of FinTech promises to continue shaping the forex industry in profound ways. In this article, we’ll explore the key FinTech trends expected to dominate forex trading over the next five years.

News 02-13
Scam Exposed: Victim Loses $700

Scam Exposed: Victim Loses $700

The victim thought they had found a risk-free investment opportunity, only to be trapped by the GlobTFX platform, losing the entire $700! What exactly happened? Let’s uncover the truth behind this scam.

Exposure 02-13
Thai and Chinese Police Seize $2.5 Million in USDT from Scam Operation

Thai and Chinese Police Seize $2.5 Million in USDT from Scam Operation

Thai and Chinese authorities collaborate to arrest suspects and seize $2.5 million in USDT from a large-scale scam operation, highlighting the traceability of Tether transactions.

News 02-13
US Frees Russian Bitcoin Suspect in Prisoner Swap Deal

US Frees Russian Bitcoin Suspect in Prisoner Swap Deal

US releases Russian national Alexander Vinnik in a prisoner swap for American teacher Marc Fogel. Details on the $4bn Bitcoin laundering case and recent diplomatic efforts.

News 02-13
Bahrain Drafts Stablecoin Regulations to Boost Financial Access

Bahrain Drafts Stablecoin Regulations to Boost Financial Access

Bahrain’s central bank is drafting stablecoin regulations to reduce transaction costs, enhance oversight, and expand financial access.

News 02-13
Webull Partners with Kalshi to Launch Event Contracts

Webull Partners with Kalshi to Launch Event Contracts

Webull teams up with Kalshi to integrate event contracts, offering new financial market tools. Learn how this impacts trading amid CFTC regulatory challenges.

News 02-13
Bitcoin Dips Below $95,000 Amid Hotter-Than-Expected Inflation Data

Bitcoin Dips Below $95,000 Amid Hotter-Than-Expected Inflation Data

Bitcoin dips below $95,000 amid hotter-than-expected inflation data, challenging its role as an inflation hedge. The market outlook remains cautious.

News 02-13
WikiFX Elites Club Officially Established: Create Healthy Investment Ecosystem

WikiFX Elites Club Officially Established: Create Healthy Investment Ecosystem

WikiFX has officially announced the establishment of the WikiFX Elites Club—an exclusive platform rooted in the WikiFX community, aimed at promoting information transparency and healthy development within the forex industry. The club brings together professional and influential practitioners from around the world, dedicated to building a more open, transparent, and vibrant forex investment ecosystem.

News 02-13

Santorini fears for summer tourist season as earthquakes hit island

The Greek islands most important industry will bounce back, but staffing is a worry say hoteliers

Industry 02-12
Investment Scams on Social Media: Why Do People Still Fall for Them?

Investment Scams on Social Media: Why Do People Still Fall for Them?

In the digital era, social media platforms have become a double-edged sword. While they connect millions of users worldwide, they have also evolved into a breeding ground for fraudulent investment schemes. Criminals exploit these platforms to lure unsuspecting victims with promises of quick and high returns.

News 02-12
How to Conquer Fear and Greed in Trading

How to Conquer Fear and Greed in Trading

Fear and greed are the two biggest emotions traders face. These feelings can lead to poor decisions. Many traders fail because they let their emotions take over. If you want to succeed, you must learn to control them.

News 02-12
How to Identify Support and Resistance Levels Like a Pro

How to Identify Support and Resistance Levels Like a Pro

Know how to identify support and resistance levels like a pro with expert tips, tools, and strategies for successful trading. Master chart analysis today!

News 02-12
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