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Lavish Choudhary, creator of BotBro, appeared in the UP Nawabs Cricket Team’s match in Dubai

Lavish Choudhary, creator of BotBro, appeared in the UP Nawabs Cricket Team’s match in Dubai

Lavish Choudhary, CEO of YorkerFX and creator of BotBro and TLC2.0, recently made waves by appearing in a match hosted by the UP Nawabs Cricket Team.

Exposure 01-14
The Euro at Risk of Falling Below Parity with the Dollar

The Euro at Risk of Falling Below Parity with the Dollar

Recently, on January 13, the US Dollar Index broke through the 110 mark, hitting its highest level since November 2022, before pulling back slightly to around 109.93.

News 01-14
LiteForex Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary with a $1,000,000 Challenge

LiteForex Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary with a $1,000,000 Challenge

The brokerage firm LiteForex has launched a trading contest with a massive prize pool exceeding $1,000,000. Running from January 1 to December 31, 2025.

News 01-14
$600B Gold Reserves in Pakistan's Indus River Could Reshape Economy

$600B Gold Reserves in Pakistan's Indus River Could Reshape Economy

Breaking: Pakistan uncovers gold deposits worth 600B PKR in the Indus River, sparking hopes for economic revival and sustainable resource development.

News 01-14
Could TikTok U.S. Be Sold to Elon Musk to Avoid a Ban?

Could TikTok U.S. Be Sold to Elon Musk to Avoid a Ban?

Elon Musk is considered a potential buyer for TikTok U.S. as the app faces a possible ban. Stay updated on the legal challenges and what’s next for TikTok.

News 01-14

Spain plans 100% tax for homes bought by non-EU residents

The measure is meant to help tackle the countrys housing crisis, the prime minister said.

Industry 01-13
Elderly Ipoh Man Loses Nearly RM1 Million in Online Investment Scam

Elderly Ipoh Man Loses Nearly RM1 Million in Online Investment Scam

An elderly man in Ipoh, Malaysia, has fallen victim to an online investment scam, losing RM974,000 in the process. The 67-year-old’s ordeal came to light after he lodged a report with the Ipoh district police on January 11, 2025.

News 01-13
Housewives Scammed of Over RM1 Million in Gold Investment Fraud

Housewives Scammed of Over RM1 Million in Gold Investment Fraud

A fraudulent gold investment scheme has caused significant financial losses for 44 individuals, predominantly housewives, in Kelantan, Malaysia. The victims, collectively, have lost over RM1 million to the scheme, according to the Malaysia International Humanitarian Organisation (MHO).

News 01-13
Cryptocurrencies: A Financial Revolution or a Double-Edged Sword?

Cryptocurrencies: A Financial Revolution or a Double-Edged Sword?

The rise of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has been compared to transformative milestones such as the creation of money and the advent of the internet. These innovations are reshaping the way assets are valued and traded, pushing the boundaries of traditional finance. However, as with any disruptive technology, the journey is fraught with complexities that demand careful consideration.

News 01-13
Massive Hawala Scam: Rs 10,000 Crore Routed Abroad

Massive Hawala Scam: Rs 10,000 Crore Routed Abroad

The Enforcement Directorate (ED) of India exposed a massive Hawala scam that has been going on for the past few years. The ED caught a group of chartered accountants and hawala operators involved in this scam. They used to transfer money illegally abroad, such as to Singapore, Hong Kong, and Thailand.

News 01-13
OneZero Collaborates with Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA)

OneZero Collaborates with Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA)

One Zero has launched a new campaign called Driving Innovation and is sponsoring a young golfer named Alexa Pano in the Ladies Professional Golf Association.

News 01-13
Data to Watch This Week

Data to Watch This Week

Last week, U.S. employment data significantly exceeded expectations, further solidifying market expectations that the Federal Reserve will not be making aggressive interest rate cuts. This week, the focus shifts to important economic data and the start of earnings season.

News 01-13
Confirmed! US December non-farm payroll exceeded expectations

Confirmed! US December non-farm payroll exceeded expectations

Last Friday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released strong employment data, further diminishing market expectations for interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve this year. Currently, the market widely expects the Fed to begin cutting rates again in October.

News 01-13
Businessman Loses RM1.38mil in Online Investment Scam

Businessman Loses RM1.38mil in Online Investment Scam

Malaysian businessman loses RM1.38mil in IPO investment scam after falling for fraudulent overseas investment platform. Learn how to avoid such traps and protect your finances.

News 01-13
Wolf Capital Exposed: The $9.4M Crypto Ponzi Scheme that Lured Thousands with False Promises

Wolf Capital Exposed: The $9.4M Crypto Ponzi Scheme that Lured Thousands with False Promises

According to a U.S. Department of Justice announcement, Wolf Capital admitted to orchestrating a crypto Ponzi scheme, luring 2,800 crypto investors with promises of over 500% annualized returns.

News 01-13
Singapore Blocks Polymarket Access, Following U.S. and France

Singapore Blocks Polymarket Access, Following U.S. and France

Singapore blocks Polymarket over gambling violations. Similar bans in France and the U.S. show growing regulatory scrutiny on decentralized platforms globally.

News 01-13
PayPal Users Warned About Sophisticated "No-Phish" Cyberattack

PayPal Users Warned About Sophisticated "No-Phish" Cyberattack

PayPal issues an alert about a new 'no-phish' cyberattack targeting users directly through its platform. Learn how this advanced scam works and how to stay safe.

News 01-13
400 Foreign Nationals Arrested in Crypto Scam Raid in Manila

400 Foreign Nationals Arrested in Crypto Scam Raid in Manila

400 foreign nationals were arrested in Manila, Philippines during a large-scale raid on an online scam farm linked to human trafficking and fraud. Learn more about this crackdown.

News 01-13
FxPro Adds CoP via Tell.Money for Safer Financial Transfers

FxPro Adds CoP via Tell.Money for Safer Financial Transfers

FxPro teams up with to enhance BnkPro security with CoP technology, offering clients safer financial transfers and reducing fraud risks.

News 01-13
How Did the Dollar Become the "Dominant Currency"?

How Did the Dollar Become the "Dominant Currency"?

Since the fourth quarter of last year, the strong trend of the U.S. dollar has intensified, and as we enter 2025, investors face a contradictory situation.

News 01-11
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