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Good News Malaysia: Ready for 5% GDP Growth in 2025!

Good News Malaysia: Ready for 5% GDP Growth in 2025!

Malaysia's economy is on track to sustain its robust growth, with GDP expected to exceed 5% in 2025, according to key government officials. The nation's economic resilience is being driven by strong foreign investments and targeted government initiatives designed to mitigate global economic risks.

News 01-10
Oriental Kopi’s IPO: Worth the Buzz or Not?

Oriental Kopi’s IPO: Worth the Buzz or Not?

Kopi Holdings Bhd, a café chain operator under the brand Oriental Kopi, is gearing up for its listing on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia. The company has garnered a positive valuation from Mercury Securities Sdn Bhd, which has assigned a fair value of 68 sen per share, citing strong earnings growth potential driven by outlet expansions and increasing contributions from fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sales.

News 01-10
Tradu Introduces Tax-Efficient Spread Betting for UK Traders

Tradu Introduces Tax-Efficient Spread Betting for UK Traders

Tradu’s introduction of tax-efficient spread betting and groundbreaking tools like the Spread Tracker signals a new era of accessible, competitive, and innovative trading solutions for UK investors.

News 01-10
Trading Lessons Inspired by Squid Game

Trading Lessons Inspired by Squid Game

The popular series Squid Game captivated audiences worldwide with its gripping narrative of survival, desperation, and human nature. Beneath the drama lies a wealth of lessons that traders can apply to financial markets. By examining the motivations, behaviours, and strategies displayed in the series, traders can uncover valuable insights to enhance their own approach.

News 01-10
Standard Chartered Secures EU Crypto License in Luxembourg

Standard Chartered Secures EU Crypto License in Luxembourg

Standard Chartered secures Luxembourg crypto license, focusing on Bitcoin and Ethereum custody services as it expands digital asset solutions across the EU.

News 01-10
U.S. to Auction $6.5 Billion in Bitcoin in 2025

U.S. to Auction $6.5 Billion in Bitcoin in 2025

The U.S. government plans to auction $6.5 billion in Bitcoin seized from Silk Road in 2025. Analysts debate market impact as BTC prices show mixed reactions.

News 01-10
How Far Will the Bond Market Decline?

How Far Will the Bond Market Decline?

Recently, the yield on the U.S. 10-year Treasury bond reached a new high since April 2023, soaring to 4.7%.

News 01-10
NAG Markets: Trustworthy or Risky Broker?

NAG Markets: Trustworthy or Risky Broker?

Established in 2024, NAG Markets is an Australian trading platform run under VFSC and FSA. It offers a wide range of trading tools, including Forex, metals, energy, and shares, through MT4 and MT5 systems. The minimum deposit is USD 500, and practice can be done using a demo account.

News 01-10
Female Celebrity Voluntarily Surrenders Over SEC Violation Charges

Female Celebrity Voluntarily Surrenders Over SEC Violation Charges

Rufa Mae Quinto faces 14 counts of SEC violations linked to Dermacare's investment scheme. She denies fraud allegations and posts P1.7M bail.

News 01-10
Rising Risk of Japan Intervening in the Yen's Exchange Rate

Rising Risk of Japan Intervening in the Yen's Exchange Rate

The Japanese yen faces both internal and external pressures, with a potential intervention by the Japanese government looming.

News 01-10
Is the stronger dollar a threat to oil prices?

Is the stronger dollar a threat to oil prices?

Oil prices dropped more than 1% on Wednesday, mainly due to the strengthening of the dollar and the increase in U.S. fuel inventories, which collectively suppressed the price rise.

News 01-10
Join the Event & Level Up Your Forex Journey

Join the Event & Level Up Your Forex Journey

WikiFX is bringing an exciting event for all the market players, whether you're a beginner or an expert! Read all the details about the promotion below.

News 01-09
RM5.9M Lost to "Davidson Kempner Capital Management" Facebook Scam

RM5.9M Lost to "Davidson Kempner Capital Management" Facebook Scam

A private contractor in Malaysia faced a devastating loss of over RM5.9 million after falling victim to a fraudulent investment scheme promoted on Facebook. Tempted by the scheme’s impressive claims and credentials, the victim began investing in September 2024. The investment process required him to download an application called A-Trade, which was readily available on the Apple Store.

News 01-09
Is There Still Opportunity as Gold Reaches 4-Week High?

Is There Still Opportunity as Gold Reaches 4-Week High?

Gold Continues to Rise, can the Bulls Keep Going? Recently, gold prices have been on the rise, especially following the release of the non-farm payrolls data, as demand for gold as a safe-haven asset continues to increase.

News 01-09
Bitcoin in 2025: The Opportunities and Challenges Ahead

Bitcoin in 2025: The Opportunities and Challenges Ahead

Bitcoin experienced a transformative year in 2024, with its value surpassing $100,000 and attracting attention from institutional investors, retail traders, and governments alike. This growth was driven by milestones such as the approval of spot bitcoin ETFs and increasing adoption by major financial institutions. As 2025 begins, bitcoin’s position as a cornerstone of the digital financial ecosystem is stronger than ever.

News 01-09
Warning Against MarketsVox

Warning Against MarketsVox

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) has issued a caution regarding the online trading platform MarketsVox. According to CySEC, the platform is operating without proper authorization to provide investment services in Cyprus.

Exposure 01-09
 FXCL Lucky Winter Festival Begins

FXCL Lucky Winter Festival Begins

The FXCL Lucky Winter Festival has officially begun. You can be a part of this promotion. Here are all the details about this promotion.

News 01-09
BI Apprehends Japanese Scam Leader in Manila

BI Apprehends Japanese Scam Leader in Manila

The Bureau of Immigration apprehended a Japanese scam leader in Manila for targeting elderly victims in Japan, with plans to investigate possible local operations.

News 01-09
This Economic Indicator Sparks Speculation of a Japan Rate Hike!

This Economic Indicator Sparks Speculation of a Japan Rate Hike!

The latest data shows that Japan’s base wages in November rose by 2.7% year-on-year, marking the largest increase in 32 years, fueling speculation about a potential BOJ rate hike, but Governor Kazuo Ueda’s dovish remarks in December have shifted market expectations toward a potential delay in policy adjustments.

News 01-09
Dutch Law Student Arrested for €4.5 Million Crypto Scam

Dutch Law Student Arrested for €4.5 Million Crypto Scam

Dutch police arrest a law student for a €4.5M crypto scam, exposing pyramid schemes and investor losses.

News 01-09
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