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Beware of Celebrity Crypto Scams: Drake’s Social Media Account Hacked

Beware of Celebrity Crypto Scams: Drake’s Social Media Account Hacked

Celebrity-backed cryptocurrency scams have been making headlines again, with fans of Canadian rapper Drake falling victim to a fraudulent memecoin scheme.

News 2024-12-16
Housewife Loses RM752,398 in Crypto Investment Scam

Housewife Loses RM752,398 in Crypto Investment Scam

A 47-year-old housewife from Malaysia has fallen victim to a fraudulent bitcoin investment scheme, losing RM752,398 of her savings in just one month.

News 2024-12-16
RM104.75M Forex Scam Sparks Outrage as Victims Seek Justice!

RM104.75M Forex Scam Sparks Outrage as Victims Seek Justice!

Over 388 victims, including retirees and professionals, lost RM104.75M in a forex scam allegedly led by a Russian. Victims rally for justice at BNM Penang.

News 2024-12-16
HTFX Clone Firm Exposed

HTFX Clone Firm Exposed

The UK’s watchdog, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), recently exposed a clone firm of a regulated broker named HTFX. The authority shared the details of the clone and regulated firm on its official website to make people aware.

News 2024-12-16
Texas Investor Jailed for $1M Bitcoin Tax Fraud: First Case in History

Texas Investor Jailed for $1M Bitcoin Tax Fraud: First Case in History

Frank Ahlgren, a Bitcoin investor, faces 2 years in prison for concealing $4M in crypto gains. DOJ and IRS warn: crypto fraud is traceable.

News 2024-12-16
Must-Know: Are Aptos and Rollblock the Next Big Winners?

Must-Know: Are Aptos and Rollblock the Next Big Winners?

Ripple ($XRP) whales offload holdings as exchange deposits rise. Aptos ($APT) gains despite token fears, and Rollblock ($RBLK) emerges as a 50x GambleFi gem.

News 2024-12-16
Forex Price Trend Prediction

Forex Price Trend Prediction

Come be a Christmas Price Winner! Become a Christmas Price Winner by predicting the fluctuations of Forex and commodities! Dear community friends, as Christmas approaches, we have prepared an exciting prediction activity for everyone — Forex Price Trend Prediction! From December 16 to December 30, showcase your market insights and predict the trends of Forex and commodities for the upcoming period! This activity not only enhances your market analysis skills but also offers the chance to win generous rewards!

News 2024-12-16
IOTA Leads Blockchain Innovation in Southeast Asia by 2025

IOTA Leads Blockchain Innovation in Southeast Asia by 2025

IOTA expands in Southeast Asia with TWIN integration, Rebased upgrade, and strategic partnerships, transforming trade and blockchain by 2025.

News 2024-12-16
Trade Nation: Safe Investment or Scam?

Trade Nation: Safe Investment or Scam?

Trade Nation is an online forex broker registered in the United Kingdom and well-regulated by ASIC, FCA, and SCB. Trade Nation is authorized and regulated by prominent regulatory bodies, including the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, the Securities Commission of The Bahamas (SCB), and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)

News 2024-12-16
GTCFX: Safe or Risky Scam?

GTCFX: Safe or Risky Scam?

GTCFX is a global leader in financial derivatives. GTCFX was established in 2012. The GTCFX brand encompasses multiple companies that provide a diverse range of online trading products, GTCFX is recognized for its commitment to delivering top-tier financial services with a focus on excellence and innovation.

News 2024-12-15
Forex Trading: A Beginner's Guide to Big Gains from Small Steps

Forex Trading: A Beginner's Guide to Big Gains from Small Steps

Learn the basics of Forex trading, from choosing a trading style to mastering risk management. Start small, think big, and boost your trading success.

News 2024-12-14
Pips vs. Profits: A Trader's Dilemma

Pips vs. Profits: A Trader's Dilemma

As a trader, you've undoubtedly pondered this question: Should you focus on counting pips or the monetary value of your trades?

News 2024-12-14
Warning Bell Rings! Beware

Warning Bell Rings! Beware

The authority stated that XProMarket found at is not registered in Ontario to engage in the business of trading in securities.

News 2024-12-13
Share Industry Insights and Discuss Forex Market Trends

Share Industry Insights and Discuss Forex Market Trends

This month, we are excited to announce the posting activity, Share Industry Insights and Discuss Forex Market Trends! Share your Forex insights and not only grow alongside thousands of traders, but also have the chance to win generous rewards! Make your trading journey truly exciting — come join us now!

News 2024-12-13
The Psychology of Investment Scams: Understanding Why Victims Fall Prey

The Psychology of Investment Scams: Understanding Why Victims Fall Prey

Investment scams have become increasingly sophisticated, preying on human psychology to exploit vulnerabilities. While these fraudulent schemes promise extraordinary returns, they often rely on psychological tactics to deceive victims. Understanding these factors can help traders recognise and avoid falling for scams.

News 2024-12-13
Malaysian Man Loses RM120,000 to Facebook Investment Scam

Malaysian Man Loses RM120,000 to Facebook Investment Scam

A 51-year-old man from Jerantut, Pahang, fell victim to a Facebook investment scam, losing RM120,000 of his savings in the process. The scam, which operated under the name "Moomoo," falsely promised investors returns of up to 80% on their investments.

News 2024-12-13
Why Cryptocurrency is the Digital Gold of the 21st Century

Why Cryptocurrency is the Digital Gold of the 21st Century

Cryptocurrency is often dubbed the "digital gold" of the 21st century. Learn why this comparison is more than a catchy phrase and how digital currencies mirror gold's value.

News 2024-12-13
"Blow up the bank" Reserve Bank of India Received Threat

"Blow up the bank" Reserve Bank of India Received Threat

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Friday received a bomb threat via email on its official website. The email was written in the Russian Language. It warns to blow up the bank.

News 2024-12-13
Coinbase to Delist USDT, PYUSD and Other Stablecoins by Dec. 13

Coinbase to Delist USDT, PYUSD and Other Stablecoins by Dec. 13

Coinbase Europe will delist USDT, PYUSD, and other stablecoins as part of MiCA's new regulations. Affects crypto users and exchanges in Europe ahead of the compliance deadline.

News 2024-12-13
$200M Forex Scam by Vietnamese TikToker “Mr Pips” Exposed

$200M Forex Scam by Vietnamese TikToker “Mr Pips” Exposed

Hà Nội Police uncovered a massive $200 million forex scam led by TikTok influencer “Mr Pips.” Over 2,600 victims were targeted across Vietnam in illegal trading operations.

News 2024-12-13
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